My first blogg

So hey this is my first proper blog just after the drawing week has finished, and throughout this period of research we conducted a project final piece ready for critique yesterday,
consisting of Google Maps how it is a provisional manner in the aspect of change.. although it is fixed temporarily it is unadaptable to the public.
I took the concept of control and power into consideration and how it is an all seeing view of the world. I wanted to focus more on the cultural and social environment we are surrounded by,
in this context, relating to my previous project of homelessness and social class as ‘Visible Cities’ I researched into abandoned buildings, with no structure becomes no home!
In relation to my research I loved the idea of visiting and curating a photo shoot of abandoned buildings, whilst being given a foresight and realization of living and what life is like in the real world.
What the eyes of the beholder cannot see due to social class and prejudice behavior.
I have linked this to Google Maps in a sense of not being able to see what is real, what is presented to you and what you have been provided to look at.

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